Home Entertainment Jamaican sweetheart songstress and dancehall veteran Nadine Sutherland

Jamaican sweetheart songstress and dancehall veteran Nadine Sutherland

Jamaican sweetheart songstress and dancehall veteran Nadine Sutherland the first time I would have seen you it was a young one like me sing apart of
that song.

ah yeah one like me many things to be because I’m going and Irwin and showing the beauty of love and you have
a lot of memory cut out ten we used to call it can Romaric on eyes on psychotic karna no mind Joe me accountable this is
like a robot cannot it is to member that song that song was written by Sandy Davis and I think it was you know after
starvation on the land the road our young were like me I never really understood it I just sang it but then when I look back at it the beauty of the.

lyrical content was so defeating of my age and so befitting of probably a little girl from core to that deserving
the Cinderella dream all of us on mowing tasty talent contests and so that’s what the rest of us that were watching you
healt and that’s it so when I think that’s what they saw but the we you know when I look back and I look at the vocals in
terms of how I performed it it’s really something else I listen to during our YouTube and I got so misty.

eyed because you know there it just it felt like you know I just which I really didn’t understand him I didn’t you know
I was a kid when I got famous – and Ilan was big but in terms of what resonated with a young one like me yeah.

it was like a young one like me really really resonated on a different level you know so your story is that you were
discovered by Bob Marley and in some sense there’s truth to that in some sense you know me not saying I’d be a.

sex cool I know that I’m come from bringing long before but then I enter tasty telling contest and there was
Coates from there from tuff Gong records and Bob had a vision that she wanted artists to have a better life than him.