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Hell on Earth : Red Hills Don Makes Life Miserable.

 An incarcerated Don is making the lives of residents in the Red Hills Road and Cassia Park region in St Andrew a nightmare. Many residents are still in disbelief how one man behind bars can have so much power on the streets and nothing is being done about it.
 Reports from some tight lipped community members are that the don takes over people houses and rent them out if they refuse to pay extortion. “He use the kids to watch your movements and report to him via cellphone” one resident stated. Many residents have fled the community to protect their lives.
 One recent incident saw a house being fire-bombed because a lady refused to pay extortion. “People work so hard to build their houses and this man just want to take it over so he can rent it and live comfortable in prison? They never helped to buy a block or a bag of cement.” lamented an elderly lady with obvious fright all over her face.
 In 2020, this same Don was exposed after compiling a execution list from behind bars. He ordered members of his gang to carry out hits on people who did not pay extortion.